
My Hometown's Autumn Festival

Let me introduce my city’s festival to you. This festival is held at Ogawa shrine. This festival and this shrine are not big, but many citizens of Suzuka visit there every year. This year’s festival was held on October 12. During this festival, people in matching happi coats carry the omikoshi along the streets, shouting “Wasshoi, wasshoi.” Many children take part in this omikoshi and we can hear their cheerful voice, so there is a lot of noise coming from outside every year. When I was a small child, I often took part in this festival with my sister, brother and friends. I don’t know since when this festival has been started, but this festival has been held since I was baby. I wore blue happi and hachimaki which is written “Masturi”.

At this shrine, eleven-year-old or twelve-year old girls dance as “Mai Hime” in front of God. They have Sakaki in their right hands while they are dancing. They dance for God. They put on powder, so their faces become very white. They wear like Hakama and they become “Mai Hime” like Shinto priestess. I have danced as “Mai Hime” twice with my friends. I practiced this dance every night at Ogawa shrine.

After they finish carrying omikoshi and dancing as “Mai Hime”, people enjoy playing bingo game. Many people take part in this game because this game’s free gifts are very nice every year. For example, DVD player, bicycle, digital camera and so on. If you want to take part in this festival, let's go to Suzuka City in Mie next autumn!

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